Just chillin'

Clarke quay is such a beautiful place. With all these beautiful shophouses oh myyyy. 
but there is an abundance of bars and atas shop tho.

awkward pose is to not do any pose haha.

lemon green tea wheeee //

with @honeyflower 

with aurelia hathway and amanda kuan :)
((it was a bad face day today T.T))

selfie with kaylee hehe. 

loots loots loots yehet ((i will be selling some off at my carousell btw))

It take a simple gesture,
a word of 'thanks';
or a smile 
to make someone's day.

so why do you frown? 
even when clouds hovering around your head,
remember ;
you could still be someone's sunshine. 

maybe not the whole sun, 
but just a beam of ray. 

and it definitely doesn't matter anyways 
:) x


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