DIY. (gift box)

Okay so today i will expose a (not-so) major secret of mine. 
: I have a crazy collection of craft items ranging from stickers, scrapbook papers, ribbons, coloured pens, coloured paper, trinkets etc etc. 

In other words, apart from shopping for clothes, i love to shop for crafts. 
What you see here is just from popular (sounds lame). But sometimes in lame places, you find cool stuffs. 

I brought this paper bag/ gift box kit & it's really interesting as the decorations as solely up to your very own imagination ! :)

Ribbons and cute gems provided at just for a price of $4.90. (even lower when you have the membership card) and you can make 4 boxes , which is like if you divide the cost by 4 , 1 box is only about $1+? 

I am working on this one today ^

They have illustrations but there isn't any guidelines for you so follow so it's a really open imagination thing. 

Another illustration.

hehehheeh and in about just 15 minutes i am done ! :-) Looking good, with a personal touch and good for putting small gifts for friend's bday, for the upcoming christmas or it can even be for your own collection at a really affordable price and fun as wellz. 

There are other interesting stuffs that i always found at bookstores. Some of my most frequently visited bookstores will be :
- Popular @ compasspoint
-UrbanWrite @ tampines
-Art friend @ Bras Brasah complex 
-Random old bookstore in a uninteresting mall. 

I hope i will be able to do more interesting diy stuffs and would share some of them here ^^ 



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