
Too many pygmy anatomy 
with heads hanging gloomy.
craving for a little something.
a something that could be everything.

; all we wanted was to be a legacy.
altering the universe
from within 
to extreme.

but they only flows through the cerebral. 
and not to the limbs. 

I think we have more to offer,
than being stationary. 
I think we have more to offer,
than playing the game of freeze. 
I think we have more to offer,
than following the herd. 
; and not being the lead.

don’t you think?
Why are you heaving sighs for the fifth time in the day. 
What is wrong with doing things your soul yearns.
Who has been throwing insults back and forth at your incapability.
When would you finally step out of your comfort zone.
Where else could you possibly be with your dreams.
How was it that you are still stuck in your dull precinct.

Could you be more?



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