What exactly is this virtual space for?

Although i post quite frequently here i didn mention of why am i on this space for.
Was it solely just for the fun of it?

I have been an avid blogger for a couple of years, it has been a hobby since i was just 12, which means about 5+ years of posting some random shits. I used to have another blog before but i deleted the space after realising how it was mainly just about me, my life, my boyfriend then and some daily thoughts about events and people.

The blog is pretty much different, although in some entries i still rant about things that are personal be it indirectly or directly, my aim here is to write and share some ideas of mine to people around the world. It could be any one, it could be just one person, if my entries are able to teach him/her how to think. By saying how to think, i am NOT saying what to think. Meaning it is suppose to build off into ideas of their own after reading.

I ain't posting showing off my life about what kind of shampoo i use, what kind of facial products i use and how i do my hair ((i don't do much of these anyways)) . It isn wrong to blog about things like these but this isn a space of a lifestyle blogger in case you'd be wondering.

I am pretty much more concern on how the mind works, feelings, philosophies, what is the cause and reason of things.

Low-key i am really in love w/ debating, and if you are hoping to share any of your thoughts through my writings you can drop me an exam @ agsh98@hotmail.com 


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