The modern overemphasis of indifference.

Let's face it, we are drawn to a society which values indifference. Even for myself as a guilty culprit of it. We would rather pretend everything is okay then to dig out what's truly wrong to face and fix the problem. We turn escaping and evading as a way of our solutions.

Time. We are always running against time. The evil grins of the clock tick with every single, each one warning of how had you used up per second of your existence wisely. We were trained to move fast and efficient, effective like robots or machineries to prepare for war. Except the fact that this war we carry no weapons that hurt other physically, but instead, more strategically, constructing blows that causes damage which the naked eye does not sees.

Every single second that passes i think about all the people all over the globe, doing things, making use of time to draw their closer to their goals, to achieve in pitstop one then proceeding to pitstop two. It's no longer a single goals but uncountable goals. The more the merrier.  It's inevitable that while making small improvements from my previous, i was still not enough, still insignificant.

Due to this competition, we kept our emotions. In a bell jar, in somewhere where no one hears excepts ourselves. Keep our earphones tucked in and blast lyrics of music to seemingly soothe and form a facade. Dusting ourselves with a cloud of judgement that our emotions that ain't happy are not important. Sadness, anger, grief, despair, disappointment, oh all these negative emotions, no one wants to take a look at the ugly.  You are just "weak",  "can't you just be HAPPY".

The thing is everything should have a balance like Ying & Yang. Like how good and bad are both intertwine to each other. Once the balance is tilted,  things will start getting into out of place. It began in small minute quantities before it starts multiplying and sending your mind in total chaos. & Every human being has a breaking point. 

But no; no one seems to see it.
We continue to promote indifference. Stay calm, composed. And start thinking. We are trained to have our minds over hearts; and not hearts over minds.  The brain must be intelligent enough to know what's best for us. If that is so, why is this internal struggle only getting worse and not better.

Or perhaps, we do see it but we are actually so afraid. Looking at people struggling remind us too much of ourselves, looking at people with capability to express their negative emotions scare us because it reminded how much we wanted to do the same. We escape because we ourselves, are incapable and too intimidated to be dealing with it. We would rather convinced ourselves that our time is worth better things, our time is constantly to be filled with new and useful things.

Keep quiet and observe. More like a daily routine, and something expected out of every sane individual. Oh, hush please keep your opinions to yourself and not stir unnecessary trouble.
Oh, hush please be happy and not pull down other moods to think that sadness is valid emotion.

Oh, hush. My head please shut.



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