We are all a villian in someone else' story
Here's a perspective - We are all a bad guy in someone's story
In one way or another, we have done actions that,
be it intentionally or unintentionally have hurt someone at a particular time and space.
For, there are really two sides to every flip of a coin,
more than meets the eye to the first half of the story.
And, I think it's really funny how we as humans are trying our best constantly to be seen as a good.
When in reality, our own metrics and someone else's metrics could differ drastically.
So, you ask, what is, a 'good' really?
Other people, they tell you what you ought to think, what you should speak and how you should act etc.
When you fit into these ideals, you're painted as a 'good'.
However, at the times, you disagree, or can no longer fit into these roles,
you are now seen otherwise.
Perhaps, what we we really need is to actively acknowledge the truth that it is okay
to be that villain in someone's story.
And come to make peace with:
the person we were yesterday,
the one we are of today
and the one we are becoming tomorrow.
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