I learn to love thyself, to love everybody around me as well.
This fridayy i went books hunting and wandering vintage streets. x
Because it's just after prelims 1 and that wanderlust took over my fatigue.
Shophouses at haji lane.
and shop houses at kampong glam.( i think?)

Bras Brasah has many 2nd hand bookstores and that many of them have this indescribable vintage-feel to them.
This place holds kinda much of my childhood memories.
I remember as a little kid, my dad really likes the library so he would bring the whole family out to the national library. and the library there is really, really big.
(fun times when i played hid-and-seek with my bro at the library with any quizzical structures that are large enough to cover our chubby bodies. )
we will then go to the bras brasah complex behind to look at the books and that i was really happy that after all these years many stores still remain the same!!
tbh, i am not someone who likes modernisation, i dun like killing trees, building new tall skyscrapers etc. i would like shophouses, cafes, 90's kiddy-like store because i am more of laid back.
books i brought.
i literally went fangirling went i step foot inside here, all the art material. everything. what i ever wanted and what i need. all here.
scrap findss and vintage little cards.
(making bday cards is what i find joy in too)
"what;s the purpose of yr life? What do you want to be remembered for?
Your words, your actions, your dreams, the things you do, the things you contribute, the people you love, the little acts of kindness you bring to strangers"
what do you want to be?
The question i always ask myself.
for quiet people have the loudest mind,
when i am quiet, i don't say a word.
But once i start talking i can't stop.
|walk through the vast oceans with your little feet.|
Friendly reminder ; that the world doesn't stops for anyone, if you can't change things/bad situations currently, why not change our own mindset?
Cause' life too short to take them too seriously and get upset for too long.
Blessed for my friends, family and everyone who truly loves me.
even for a random stranger that decides to smile at me.
and for any soul who thinks that you're lost.
you aren;t darling.
you just have to find yourself through things you love to do.
and the joy of giving is always greater than receiving.
((thanks for reading ily))
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